year :xxx.....2010
length :xx..x20''47''
venue :xxx..Nantes
extras :xxx..Hugo Zermati, Sergueï Obraznost, Laurie Etourneau, .................. Amandine Rouzeau
frame :xxx..Samuel Dermingy, Guillaume Fouchaux
editing :xxx..Christiane Carlut
music :xxx..Am Lily Andorphin
After the publication of a small newspaper ad, a casting is carried out to recruit extras for the shooting of a film. The extras are asked to present their particular talents. A first film, presented in Tokyo, entitled ”Casting”, will consist of a selection of sequences of this shooting. A second film will be presented in Nantes, where the scenario will be built, contrary to usual cinema procedures, upon the presentations of the extras. The film set decoration will contribute, together with the scenario, to realizing the unity of the film, in an interplay with the diverse presentations.
After "Salam Cinema" by Mohsen Makhbalaf, ”Casting” will deal with the projection of the real posture of the extras into the fictional field of film, with a diversion and inversion of filmic practices, overturning relations between reality and fiction, and the relation between actor and cinema within the general field of filmic image.